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Object-Oriented JavaScript PORTABLE

In this article, we've gone through the main tools available in JavaScript for writing object-oriented programs. We haven't covered everything here, but this should be enough to get you started. Our article on Classes is a good place to learn more.

Object-Oriented JavaScript

\n In this article, we've gone through the main tools available in JavaScript for writing object-oriented programs. We haven't covered everything here, but this should be enough to get you started. Our article on Classes is a good place to learn more.\n

This course is designed to teach web developers how to utilize the various object-oriented programming features within JavaScript. Object-oriented programming allows developers to build applications with reusable and maintainable blocks of code, which leads to efficiency and simplified software design.

With object-oriented JavaScript, you'll be able to build classes to construct objects that encapsulate both data and functionality. You'll also learn how to leverage prototypal inheritance to maintain DRY code, allowing you to pass behaviors down to objects. You'll also learn how to keep data safe and secure by creating private state with closures and immediately-invoked function expressions.

Polymorphism: Polymorphism is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming languages. Polymorphism means the same function with different signatures is called many times. In real life, for example, a boy at the same time may be a student, a class monitor, etc. So a boy can perform different operations at the same time. Polymorphism can be achieved by method overriding and method overloading

In this tutorial, you learned about object-oriented programming and classes in JavaScript and how it helps to keep your code clean, DRY, and reusable. We covered the four core concepts of object-oriented programming, including abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

You also learned that using object-oriented programming paradigms and classes in your code has a lot of advantages, from improving application structure and code reusability to reducing code complexity.

JavaScript is not generally considered a robust programming language, especially when compared to languages such as Java or C#: it is interpreted, rather than compiled; it is dynamically, rather than statically, typed; and it is commonly considered a procedural, rather than an object-oriented, language.

However, the demands on JavaScript as a development platform are growing with the increasing popularity of so-called AJAX applications. The procedural development model commonly used to add basic client-side interactivity to web pages today will not scale to support the level of UI complexity required by these applications. Fortunately, and contrary to popular belief, it is possible to apply object-oriented (OO) design principles in JavaScript, which can help manage this complexity. The next several sections explain how.

Inheritance in object-oriented programming allows developers to define an "is a" relationship between classes. For example, we might want to extend our object model to define slightly more specialized versions of the Pet class: Dog and Cat. The base class, Pet, will contain any properties or methods shared by all Pets, but Dog and Cat may define additional properties or methods applicable only to instances of those classes. For example, our Dog class will provide a wag tail method, and the Cat class will provide a purr method.

Although it may not offer features as powerful as C# or Java, JavaScript is more capable than many web developers may know, and it can be used to provide the structure of object-oriented development to the growing number of AJAX applications currently being deployed on the web.

In The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript, Nicholas C. Zakas thoroughly explores JavaScript's object-oriented nature, revealing the language's unique implementation of inheritance and other key characteristics. You'll learn:

Objects are the basic run-time bodies in an object-oriented framework. They may represent a place, a person, an account, a table of data, or anything that the program needs to handle. Objects can also represent user-defined data such as vectors, time, and lists.

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When we create an object from a class using the new keyword javascript internally calls the constructor method which initialised the public and private properties of a class. The object here can access all the public properties and methods of a class.

Let's take another example of abstraction. Suppose you are using some third-party react component for your front-end project. This component provides many props and methods for your customisation. This component is no magic it internally uses the same HTML tags, CSS and javascript. But now you don't need to worry about those things. You just need to set props and call methods based on your requirements. That's an abstraction.

To take this course, you should have a good understanding of JavaScript fundamentals. At least, you need to know all the topics I've covered in my JavaScript Basics course. You don't need any familiarity with object-oriented programming.

Like the GOTO statement of yore, could class-based object-oriented programming (OOP) become yet another casualty of the relentless action of Moore's Law? This article first discusses the idea that classes in OOP may have outlived their original purpose, and concludes with a class-free OOP example in the form of a small graph manipulation library in JavaScript.

The purpose of this course is to cover all the new object-oriented features introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and show how to build large-scale web apps that promote scalability, maintainability, and reusability. It is ideal for development teams that are thinking of using JavaScript for full-stack web development so that they only need to worry about one language across the entire stack.

The scope of this course extends from covering all the new object-oriented features introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and shows you how to build large-scale web apps that promote scalability, maintainability, and reusability.

Object-oriented JavaScript is a type of object-oriented programming language (OOPL) that utilizes most of the object-oriented design and programming techniques within JavaScript-based programs and applications. It incorporates features and capabilities from an OOP context, but differently than standard OOP languages.

This is not the approach of the object-oriented JavaScript. It aims at using the object to implement real-life entities (which helps us easily achieve modularity) instead of thinking in terms of individual variables and function.

The section of the series covered here, lessons 53-65, relates to using JavaScript in an object-oriented manner to replicate class-based inheritance. This is the style of JavaScript most commonly promoted by Microsoft for use in developing enterprise-based web application systems.

On r/javascript recently someone asked if you would recommend using javascript with libraries. I responded with my logic for why I think you should, alon with some other opinions on teaching javascript.

Simple function calls, and json object construction are something any beginner will learn anyways. So given that prototypal method calls can be reduced to the former and constructors to the later, and given that these are easily the two hardest concepts in javascript, why on earth confuse already overwhelmed students with these?

To celebrate the one-year anniversary, we've released Object Playground, a free video and visualizer for understanding object-oriented programming. The visualizer is very cool: it runs actual JavaScript code and graphs the object relationships created by that code. There are several preset examples and you can also type in arbitrary code of your own.

Classes and object-oriented design are frequently used in JavaScript. This course will teach you how to use JavaScript classes to create object-oriented designs, as well as the prototypes and constructor functions upon which classes are built.

Inheritance is one of the major features of object-oriented programming, by which an entity inherits some characteristics and behaviors of some other entity and makes them their own. Inheritance helps to improve and facilitate code reuse.

Learning how to create objects is the first step to understanding object-oriented programming. The second step is to understand inheritance. In traditional object-oriented languages, classes inherit properties from other classes. 041b061a72

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